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Overcoming 7 Challenges of Header Bidding

Overcoming 7 Challenges of Header Bidding

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Bringing benefits to both marketers and publishers, header bidding became a true revolution in programmatic advertising. During such auctions, ad space is offered to multiple demand sources simultaneously, which enables a fairer and more transparent environment. As a result, advertisers can access top inventory as they are on an equal footing. Additionally, header bidding drives demand so publishers benefit from increased fill rates.

This way, header bidding solved the inefficiencies of the waterfall approach where the ad inventory is offered to marketers sequentially, and allowed publishers to increase their income. A significantly decreased chance for latency became another benefit making header bidding a popular choice. 

However, just like any advertising model, header bidding offers not only advantages but also challenges. To help you navigate them, we prepared a detailed whitepaper. Here is what you can learn from it:

  • More details about the benefits of header bidding

  • Challenges of header bidding for both advertisers and publishers

  • Actionable insights on how to solve the challenges

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